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Market-based value capture to providing volumetric design in transit-oriented development (TOD) in China
2021-now (PhD thesis supervised by Dr. Guibo Sun (UoM) and Prof. Chris Webster (HKU))
He, D., Sun, G*., Li, L, Webster, C (2024). New metro and housing price and rent premiums: A natural experiment study in China. Urban Studies https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980231208560
He, D., Wang, J., Sun, G*. Ambiguity in state-owned land property rights increases transaction costs in China’s transit-oriented development projects. Land Use Policy http//doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2025.107501
He, D., Sun, G*. Measuring volumetric urban design: Multi-level connectedness, compression, and functional mix in transit-oriented developments in Hong Kong (under revision in Environment and Planning B)
He. D., Sun, G*. How volumetric urban design in transit-oriented development affects housing premium: A longitudinal study in Hong Kong (working paper)
He. D., Sun, G*. Understanding the land value creation typology, land value capture, and sharing process for financing transit-oriented
development projects in China (working paper)
Transit-oriented development(TOD) is a commonly used planning concept that focuses on integrating transit systems with nearby land use patterns. Design-related elements in TOD mainly refer to pedestrian facilities, public transit services, commercial amenities, and public spaces. However, the public sector tends to undersupply design features due to the capital-intensive nature of TOD and the difficulty in coordination between stakeholders. This study examines how a market-based value capture approach can facilitate design provision of TOD in China. It includes three sub-questions: (1) What are the economic benefits of urban design provision on housing values? The results can unravel the rationale for using value capture instruments. (2) How do unsupportive institutional arrangements constrain value capture in TOD? (3) How a market-based value capture approach facilitates design-related provision. This study provides implications for recouping the value uplift from property owners and optimizing value capture institutional arrangements.
Causal inference of large-scale greenway infrastructure on health-related outcomes in China
He, D., Lu, Y*., Xie, B*., & Helbich, M. (2022). How greenway exposure reduces body weight: A natural experiment in China. Landscape and Urban Planning https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2022.104502
He, D., Lu, Y*., Xie, B*., & Helbich, M. (2021). Large-scale greenway intervention promotes walking behaviors: A natural experiment in China. Transportation research part D: transport and environment https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2021.103095
Xie, B., Pang, Z., He, D*., Lu, Y*., & Chen, Y. (2023). Effects of neighborhood environment on different aspects of greenway use: Evidence from East Lake Greenway, China. Journal of Transport Geography https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2022.103488
Causal inference of metro infrastructure on physical activity and walking among older adults in Hong Kong
2021-2022 (supervised by Dr. Guibo Sun (UoM) and Prof. Chris Webster (HKU))
He, D., Sun, G*., De Vos, J., & Webster, C. (2022). The effects of metro interventions on physical activity and walking among older adults: A natural experiment in Hong Kong. Health & Place https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2022.102939
Choe, E. Y., He, D., & Sun, G. (2023). Trading-off transit and non-transit physical activity among older people: evidence from longitudinal accelerometer data of a natural experiment study. Journal of Urban Health, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11524-022-00709-4
Greenspace infrastructure, urban density, and subjective wellbeing among older adults in Shanghai
2019-2020 (thesis for bachelor's degree, supervised by Prof. Ye Liu, SYSU)
He, D., Miao, J., Lu, Y., Song, Y., Chen, L., & Liu, Y*. (2022). Urban greenery mitigates the negative effect of urban density on older adults' life satisfaction: Evidence from Shanghai, China. Cities https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.103607
Built environment and health-related outcomes in high-density Chinese cities
Yang, H., He, D*., Lu, Y*., Ren, C., & Huang, X. (2021). Disentangling residential self-selection from the influence of built environment characteristics on adiposity outcomes among undergraduate students in China. Cities https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2021.103165
Causal inference of metro infrastructure intervention on traffic safety in China
He. D., An,Z., Hu, Y*. How a new metro line influences local traffic crashes: A natural experiment in China (under review in Transport Policy)
Work from home, city-level travel behavior changes, and modal shift in the post-pandemic era
2025-now (supervised by Prof. Michael Manville (UCLA) and Prof. Adam Millard-Ball (UCLA))
Email: hedsh3@connect.hku.hk Tel: (+852) 59700616
Address: 3320 Public Affairs Building, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90095
8F, Knowles Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong